• [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 14.6 released, DFSPUPPY bootable USB stick!

    From feedback@os2voice.org@1:3634/1000 to All on Thursday, August 03, 2017 08:58:50

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: jvwDESPAM@DESPAMdfsee.com

    DFSee version 14.6 has been released.

    MINOR release, meaning you get it for FREE if you have a 14.x key already. However, thare are some pretty MAJOR new features and bug fixes:

    - NEW bootable USB stick based on PUPPY Linux with integrated DFSee

    - Creation of the DFSPUPPY bootable USB stick directly from the Scripts menu

    - Mouse support has been extended to the Linux amd macOS versions

    - Your existing registration key is transferred to the created stick
    (with no key, you will end up with a time limited evaluation key)

    - DFSee resize/redraw on first keypress or mouseclick after window resize
    (on Linux or macOS, since they have dynamically sized terminal windows)

    See the screenshots and additional info at:


    Feedback about the new bootable stick is appreciated!

    - Mouse support is enhanced with several new features that make life easier:

    - Switch between [Basic] and [Expert] by clicking the menubar indicator

    - Button1 DRAG in a selection-list (Browser) to mark a range of files

    - Button-3 click (usually scroll-wheel) to show context sensitive HELP

    - Ctrl-click to close a (HELP) text window or a dialog window

    - Ctrl-click on the commandline area to exit the program

    - Scroll text windows and selection lists using the scroll-wheel

    - Scroll the text output window using a 'scrollbar' area at right border

    Note: Still NO mouse support in the Linux console, only X terminals

    DFSee is a very powerful disk-utility with disk partitioning,
    smart imaging or cloning of partitions or complete disks,
    filesystem and disk analysis, directory/file browsing with
    edit/view/copy capabilities including limited UNDELETE.

    More details at:

    Direct download links from the DFSee website:


    Or from the HOBBES website:
    or (after processing):

    Functional changes since 14.5

    - ATTACH/DETACH: renamed from MOUNT and UNMOUNT, to avoid confusion
    - BROWSE JFS: Honnor abort request ( key) building name-cache
    - CD: Support leading '~' to represent HOME directory (env variable)
    - CD: Allow a trailing path seperator on specified path to go to
    - DEV/VOL: On Linux, combine 'df' and '/proc/mounts' info for list
    - DEV/VOL: On OSX, use 'df -h -l -m' output to list mounted devices
    - DFSPUPPY/DFSUSB32 scripts: Better error handling (Windows Locks)
    - EXT-CMD: Display info: (executed by the operating system)
    - FAT(32): Fixup directory display; Display 1st cluster-to-be-used
    - GPT: Allow non-standard ASCII name instead of Unicode (ISOHybrid)
    - GPT: Process GPT even if no valid guard/EFI MBR part (ISOHybrid)
    - IMAGE Dialog: Add buffersize option 'Disk geometry track size'
    - JFS: Recognize Linux formatted FS in non-0x83 type, no bootsector
    - LINUX: Allow '/mnt/home/dfsee/dfspuppy.imz' path for create stick
    - LINUX: startup, attach /dev/vdX disks (virtio, ParaVirtualisation)
    - Linux/macOS UI: Implement mouse events (xterm 1002 classic mode)
    - Linux/macOS UI: Implement mouse events (xterm 1006, 1015 modes)
    - MacOS: Own set of shell scripts; New dfsmwget/dfstrun for download
    - LOG: Keep absolute path (no wandering) and honor -dir:path switch
    - MBR: Recognize 'Puppy Linux std MBR, DFSee Slacko USB' (dfspuppy)
    - MBR: Recognize 'Syslinux generic MBR code (ISOHybrid)' (Suse Leap)
    - MENU: Added '[Basic]/[Expert]' mode indicator/button combination
    - MENU: Edit -> Settings/Properties, DFSee -> Show type 0x00 as part
    - MENU: File -> Attach RAW disk image, fixed attach command (use -i)
    - MENU: File -> Attach physical disk, accept RAW image (Linux, OSX)
    - MENU: File -> Device and Volume management-> Display/Unmount etc
    - MENU: Help -> Program Updates / Downloads -> Get & install updates
    - MENU: Optimize menubar layout for menu-cycle button (Expert/Basic)
    - MENU: Scripts -> 'Make Puppy-boot (USB) disk' creates bootable USB
    - MOUSE: Button-3 click: Present context-sensitive help (like )
    - MOUSE: Ctrl-click, any button, close the (help) window or a dialog
    - MOUSE: Menu HELP on ITEM under cursor; Ctrl-click never exit APP
    - MOUSE: Right 3 columns of output-text-window act as a scrollbar
    - MOUSE: Support BasicExpert switching by clicking the indicator
    - MOUSE: Support contiguous list marking by dragging (browse window)
    - MOUSE: Usage hint menu toggle + text-scroll in output window title
    - PART: Allow primary to start at 0, update ERROR text (ISOHybrid)
    - PATCHKEY: Command to replace keyvalue in current sector by actual
    - PROGRESS: Replace clock() by TXTIMER high-res duration/throughput
    - REGKEY: Inform on start/exit if using evaluation/upgrade temp key
    - RESTORE: Fix crash when -b:N option specified, smaller than in IMZ
    - SCRIPT: New $_dirsep script variable holding dir/path seperator
    - SCRIPT: New $_exedir script variable with executable-path, no sep
    - SCRIPT: New $_exename script variable with executable-name, no path
    - SCRIPT, DFSINSTL: New script to install a DFSee program update
    - SCRIPT, DFSIFSTD: Don't fail due to 'NTFS auto open' on Linux etc
    - SCRIPT: Added getenv(variablename) function to TX script language
    - SCRIPT: Make help available from menu BEFORE running any scripts
    - SCRIPT: Update help on 'defaultparam' for assigning string values
    - SET PT0: Set partition-tables to show type 0x00 (deleted/hidden)
    - SET SKIPFS: Set FS to skip on match driveletters (FAT32.IFS bug)
    - SWITCH: -dir:path Sets default directory for File Open/Save etc
    - TIMING: Replace clock() by TXTIMER, high-res (fixes bugs on UNIX)
    - Trusted Cmds: 'WGET' for macOS/Linux, 'ZIP' and 'UNZIP' for all
    - UI: Cleanup colorschemes; Optimized 3D-Commander for Linux/macOS
    - UI: Definitions for Puppy Linux (rxvt/urxvt) F1..F4, s-F11, s-F12
    - UI: Take BG-grey color from the 88 (rxvt) or 256 (xterm) palettes
    - UI: Support 16-BG-colors (3D-grey) in rxvt and OSX Terminal/xterm
    - UICC: New command to show 88/256 color palette in a 'cube' layout
    - UIKEYS: Show keyboard + Mouse events, with decoding and timestamps
    - UNIX: Auto adjust to new terminal window-size on next click/key
    - UNIX: Support mouse-movement events (DRAG windows to move them)
    - VirtDisk: in-memory renamed 'Mem-disk', and /dev/MdX now, not vdX

    Regards, JvW

    DFSee Home: http://www.dfsee.com; Jan van Wijk; Author of DFSee - mailto://info@dfsee.com

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