• [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2017 exciting presentation lineup

    From feedback@os2voice.org@1:3634/1000 to All on Saturday, August 12, 2017 14:04:14

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: abwillis1DESPAM@DESPAMgmail.com

    Warpstock is pleased to announce that we have afull slate of exciting presentations to offer this year.

    Please check out the list of presentations: http://www.warpstock.org/staticpages/index.php?page=ws2017_sessions

    Arca Noae will be making several presentations on the current state and future plans for ArcaOS as well as for OS/2 drivers. Useful tips and tricks, community
    awareness, and even how to build an RPM package.


    Anyone wishing to attend Warpstock 2017 that has not yet signed up, there is still time. The hotel has agreed to offer the special Warpstock rate of $116 CAD while they have rooms available - so hurry before all the rooms are booked.

    While rooms are available the following applies:

    Please book your hotel stay using this official booking link or by telephone: 800-491-4656 or 416-240-7511 before August 10. Be sure to mention Warpstock to get the conference rate (King or Two Double: $116 CAD/night).
    Warpstock has arranged for the group rate to apply for up to three days prior and three days following the event (so-called "shoulder" or "side" days). However, in order to get the group rate, it is necessary to phone the hotel, as
    the online booking system is only capable of handling the actual dates for the event.

    Warpstock is the annual conference for OS/2, ArcaOS, and eComStation users, administrators, and developers. Warpstock 2017 will be held at the Holiday Inn Toronto Airport East, located at 600 Dixon Road Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9W 1J1., Friday, September 8 through Sunday, September 10, 2017.

    Warpstock Corporation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, chartered in Virginia. The Warpstock annual conference is a gathering of
    OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for the
    purpose of education and advocacy. All contributions to Warpstock are
    fully tax deductible in the US. Consult your tax adviser for more details.

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