• [VOICENWS] SW: Test build wpa_supplicant v2.7

    From feedback@os2voice.org@1:3634/1000 to All on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 09:12:07

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: andi.bDESPAM@DESPAMgmx.net

    I've made a test build of the newest wpa_supplicant code and uploaded it to https://bitbucket.org/Andi_B/os-2-wpa_supplicant/downloads/.

    It can be used together with current xwlan builds. Simply replace the existing wpa_supplicant.exe and have fun.

    From the readme.os2 - ############################################################################### BetaTester installation intructions
    - replace installed wpa_supplicant.exe with the included one
    When using xwlan widget wpa_supplicant is usually found in
    When using the standalone wlanstat then in .\xwlan\.
    - check if the new version is used by xwlan/wlanstat
    right-click - properties - tab 'WPA supplicant' check version and path.
    Something like v2.7-devel (OS/2-v2beta) should be shown.
    - connect to wpa protected networks and post your findings at correspondending
    thread at http://os2world.com
    - you can also test wpa_supplicant with a .conf file. F.i. set up a profile
    with no security, switch on wireless and start wpa_supplicant manually
    (f.i. wpa_supplicant.exe -i lan1 -cwpa_supplicant.conf) ###############################################################################

    If someone want to test feel free to post your findings here. If you're using the xcenter widget (in contrary to the standalone wlanstat.exe), be sure your ALT-F1 boot works or you've a working maintenance partition. I once saw a hang on my T60 at bootup of the xwlan widget with the new wpa_supplicant.

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