|11┌─|03─[|15Quoting |12Kevin Klement |15to |12Mike Tripp |03]──∙·· |11└─|03─[|15Taken from: |13[Fido] Squish Help |03]──»
Well, the problem I'm having is it will not auto-add new echo areas I recei that end up in my BADMSG area. Now regular echo areas from my fidonet uplin works fine, but I've setup a Fidonet-Internet gateway, so the new newsgroup areas ending up in my BADMSG area, Seal won't auto-add areas to squish.cfg.
It will do that for the first time that it runs accross new areas, but the next time it is run it will toss all those messages to the new areas. You do run the SEAL BAD command after you toss your packets don't you? If not try that and see if it doesn't create the new echos.
The GameMaster BBS Home of Marty's Mercantile, an IGM for L.O.R.D.
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--- Renegade v05-25.5 DOS/ALPHA
* Origin: The GameMaster BBS | gamemasterbbs.darktech.org (1:2320/303)