• Squish limitations

    From Minh Van Le@3:712/104 to All on Friday, January 25, 2008 11:51:28
    Hello All !

    What are Squish's area, messages and size limitations ?

    A RA_SUPPORT guy said JAM had a 10,000 area limit and unlimited messages.

    Maximus has a Squish "Renum Max" keyword limit of 65535 (I think). Is this a limitation of Squish or Maximus ?

    From Squish.Doc, it appears that Squish has the following limitations,

    Maximum areas: Unlimited (depending on available memory)
    Maximum messages per area: 5,400 (16 bit), "almost any size" (32 bit)
    Maximum message size: 63k (16 bit), 256k (32 bit)
    Maximum area size: N/a ====================================================================

    But the information is inconclusive / non definitive, as they're based on SQFix
    and <msgbuf>.

    The only definitive information is regarding the maximum number of echo areas.

    Here're the details I could garner,

    | Maximum areas |


    Any number of EchoMail areas can be defined, limited by available

    | Maximum messages per area |

    5,400 msgs for 16 bit and "almost any size" for 32 bit:

    While the 16-bit version of SQFIX is limited to areas of roughly
    5400 messages in size, SQFIX32 can rebuild message areas of
    almost any size.

    | Maximum message size |

    63k (16 bit) and 256k (32 bit):

    The defaults for the 16-bit versions of Squish (SQUISH and
    SQUISHP) are:

    BUFFERS writebuf outbuf msgbuf
    Small 16k 16k 16k
    Medium 26k 40k 32k
    Large 57k 57k 63k

    The defaults for the 32-bit versions of Squish (SQ386 and
    SQ386P) are:

    BUFFERS writebuf outbuf msgbuf
    Small 64k 64k 64k
    Medium 76k 128k 128k
    Large 128k 512k 256k

    | Maximum area size |

    I'll assume this will be the maximum Operating System file size.

    Or ~332 mbs for 16 bit Squish (5,400 * 63k = 340,200 kbs).

    --- Msged/386 4.30
    * Origin: ypan.dyndns.org loves Msged... (3:712/104)
  • From Paul Lentz@1:124/5025 to ALL on Saturday, March 15, 2008 14:48:02
    Minh Van Le wrote in a message to All:

    Sorry if this has been addressed... this is an echo I don't usually read.

    What are Squish's area, messages and size limitations ?
    From Squish.Doc, it appears that Squish has the following

    Maximum message size: 63k (16 bit), 256k (32 bit)

    I've been wondering for long time about the message size as well. I think around the beginning of each month Squish boots out messages (I think in the STATS echo) that are big and renames the .pkt files to *.LNG.

    I've looked around before and never found any way to deal with these long messages or the *.lng packet files. Is there a way to do this?


    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Dumb Guy's!!! (1:124/5025)
  • From Jerry Schwartz@1:142/928 to Paul Lentz on Monday, March 17, 2008 19:16:55
    Hello, Paul...

    Mar 15, 2008 at 14:48, Paul Lentz wrote to ALL:

    I've been wondering for long time about the message size as well. I
    think around the beginning of each month Squish boots out messages (I think in the STATS echo) that are big and renames the .pkt files to *.LNG.

    I've looked around before and never found any way to deal with these
    long messages or the *.lng packet files. Is there a way to do this?

    I just delete them when I think of it. They are stats reports from one of the hubs.


    Jerry Schwartz


    --- Msged/NT 6.0.1
    * Origin: Write by Night (1:142/928)
  • From Mike Tripp@1:382/61 to Paul Lentz on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 10:31:18
    Hello Paul!

    15 Mar 08 14:48, Paul Lentz wrote to ALL:

    Maximum message size: 63k (16 bit), 256k (32 bit)

    I've been wondering for long time about the message size as well. I
    think around the beginning of each month Squish boots out messages (I think in the STATS echo) that are big and renames the .pkt files to

    OS/2 exe (which you may be running?) can be configured to toss as large as OS/2
    has resources to support. 256K is just the largest Scott Dudley tested with and supported by the canned keyword "Buffers Large". You have to define buffers manually to go higher...and have the resources to support them available, of course. If you want 1gb messages, Squish (SQ386P) can process them...but maybe your other utils (BBS, online readers, offline readers) or downlinks can't.

    I've looked around before and never found any way to deal with
    these long messages or the *.lng packet files. Is there a way to
    do this?

    PKTSORT is a pre-toss utility that can split/unsplit large messages to user-defined sizes and recreate the inbound PKTs accordingly. If you dupe-check headers though, you need to set the config option that tells it to prepend the "1/5", "2/5", "3/5", etc to the subject line rather than append it (default behavior). Squish only looks at the first 24 chars of the subj, so you
    may get false dupes if the extra info is appended to a long subj.

    IMHO, messages too long for "Buffers Large" were messages I didn't care to actually read anyway.<g>


    --- GoldED/2 2.50+
    * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12 to Paul Lentz on Monday, March 17, 2008 20:43:55

    Maximum message size: 63k (16 bit), 256k (32 bit)

    I've been wondering for long time about the message size as well. I
    think around the beginning of each month Squish boots out messages
    (I think in the STATS echo) that are big and renames the .pkt files
    to *.LNG.

    I've looked around before and never found any way to deal with
    these long messages or the *.lng packet files. Is there a way to do

    shirley, you jest! ;)

    there is the packet split stuff... there's a fido technical document about the split proposal to break messages up into smaller units but my bitch about it is/was that it puts the onus on the feeder instead of the feedee with the size problems...

    i'm thinking that the pktsort package does the split stuff as well as sorting messages in the pkts together by area name which also helps tossing to go faster...

    if you can't find a copy, let me know and i'll give you some more info ;)


    * Origin: (1:3634/12)
  • From Richard Webb@1:116/901 to mark lewis on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 02:44:19
    mark lewis wrote in a message to Paul Lentz:

    Maximum message size: 63k (16 bit), 256k (32 bit)
    there is the packet split stuff... there's a fido technical document
    my bitch about it is/was that it puts the onus on the feeder instead
    of the feedee with the size problems...

    i'm thinking that the pktsort package does the split stuff as well
    as sorting messages in the pkts together by area name which also
    helps tossing to go faster...

    I've had squish split up a big email I have gotten on more than one occasion. Iirc from when I ran pktsort it did this as well.
    My old way of doing it was to run gus on anything in an inbound where echomail was permitted, then run pktsort on the resulting packets. NOw technique is the
    same, but I do it with pktdate to make sure that my robot doesn't send any y2k problems upstream.

    ... Just when you think you're winning the rat race along come faster rats!
    --- timEd 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Radio REscue net operations BBS (1:116/901)
  • From Paul Lentz@1:124/5025 to Mike Tripp on Wednesday, March 19, 2008 02:10:48
    Mike Tripp wrote in a message to Paul Lentz:

    Maximum message size: 63k (16 bit), 256k (32 bit)

    I've been wondering for long time about the message size as well. I
    think around the beginning of each month Squish boots out messages (I think in the STATS echo) that are big and renames the .pkt files to

    OS/2 exe (which you may be running?) can be configured to toss as
    large as OS/2 has resources to support. 256K is just the largest
    Scott Dudley tested with and supported by the canned keyword
    "Buffers Large". You have to define buffers manually to go
    higher...and have the resources to support them available, of
    course. If you want 1gb messages, Squish (SQ386P) can process
    them...but maybe your other utils (BBS, online readers, offline
    readers) or downlinks can't.

    I'm actually running it on a semi-modern Winders98Se machine with like only 256
    (or maybe it's 512, can't remember) mego-rams... but I might toy with the buffers statement and see if it does anything else.

    IMHO, messages too long for "Buffers Large" were messages I didn't
    care to actually read anyway.<g>

    The main point is tht I'd like Squish to at least pretend to handle them and not create annoying renamed .LNG files I have to delete by hand from time to time. I know I don't want to read those longy things my own self.

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Dumb Guy's!!! (1:124/5025)
  • From Mike Tripp@1:382/61 to Paul Lentz on Wednesday, March 19, 2008 11:12:22
    Hello Paul!

    19 Mar 08 02:10, Paul Lentz wrote to Mike Tripp:

    I'm actually running it on a semi-modern Winders98Se machine with like only 256 (or maybe it's 512, can't remember) mego-rams... but I might
    toy with the buffers statement and see if it does anything else.

    Scott basically tried to support whatever the environment had to offer...which is why the 16-bit DOS, 32-bit DOS, OS/2, etc. versions as released all had different limits. Don't know about the Win32 flavor, myself, as it was released solo, after the general release of the others...sort of a "So long and
    thanks for all the fish", before he left Fido.

    The main point is tht I'd like Squish to at least pretend to handle
    them and not create annoying renamed .LNG files I have to delete by
    hand from time to time. I know I don't want to read those longy things
    my own self.

    In that case you just need to add the undocumented Winders command "DEL *.LNG" somewhere in your mail processing routine's tossing block.<g> Seriously, if they're breaking Squish, they're probably gonna break something else you're running later once you adjust Squish to pass them further into the food chain.

    I've also had good luck negotiating with the originator of the long messages...since it seems that most don't mind folks actually being able to read them. A little whining about the BinkD FAQ got it split down to chunks that DOS GoldEd could swallow at the source. I run the DOS version under DOS, OS/2, and Windows...since it is the only one that will.<g> Before that, I'd have to switch to the OS/2 box and fire up GoldEd/2 just to kill the offending message in order to regain normal access to the area everywhere else.


    --- GoldED/2 2.50+
    * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61)
  • From Minh Van Le@3:712/104 to Paul Lentz on Thursday, March 20, 2008 15:15:03
    Hello Paul !

    On 15-Mar'08 14:48, Paul Lentz wrote to ALL:

    Maximum message size: 63k (16 bit), 256k (32 bit)

    I've been wondering for long time about the message size as
    well. I think around the beginning of each month Squish
    boots out messages (I think in the STATS echo) that are big
    and renames the .pkt files to *.LNG.

    I only got questions, not answers :)

    I think I got those limits from the documentation but have never tested them. I've never had *.lng files, or a "stats" echo. I'm not aware that Squish creates statistics in an echoarea. Can you paste the output of that echo ?;

    Are you using Squish/386 (32 bit) or Squish (16 bit) ?

    I've looked around before and never found any way to deal
    with these long messages or the *.lng packet files. Is
    there a way to do this?

    Maybe get a utility that reads pkt files directly ?

    Maybe Amax or Bonk does it, or inbuilt mailer readers.

    --- Msged/386 4.30
    * Origin: ypan.dyndns.org loves Msged... (3:712/104)
  • From Paul Lentz@1:124/5025 to Minh Van Le on Thursday, March 20, 2008 13:42:50
    Minh Van Le wrote in a message to Paul Lentz:
    Hello Paul !

    On 15-Mar'08 14:48, Paul Lentz wrote to ALL:

    Maximum message size: 63k (16 bit), 256k (32 bit)

    I've been wondering for long time about the message size as
    well. I think around the beginning of each month Squish
    boots out messages (I think in the STATS echo) that are big
    and renames the .pkt files to *.LNG.

    I only got questions, not answers :)

    I think I got those limits from the documentation but have never
    tested them. I've never had *.lng files, or a "stats" echo. I'm not
    aware that Squish creates statistics in an echoarea. Can you paste
    the output of that echo ?;

    The STATS echo is a fidonet echo where somebody periodicaly posts looooong messages about all the echomail traffic. When Squish sees those looooong messages, it skips over them (Because they bust some size limit) and renames the 12345678.PKT file they came in to 12345678.LNG.

    There is a utility called SQREPORT.EXE that will work up some stats. It's included in the package and is kinda nice. Here's a small piece of what it spits out...

    EchoMail Traffic Report From 1:124/5025
    Squish Log Report for 19 MAR 00:04 through 19 MAR 23:51

    Inbound Messages
    754 Messages from 1:123/500.0
    24 Messages from 1:106/1.0
    5 Messages from 1:124/1113.0
    1 Messages from 1:124/6308.0

    Outbound Packets (uncompressed)
    2.12 Megs sent to 1:124/6308
    488.65 Kb sent to 1:124/2700
    313.61 Kb sent to 1:124/5013
    182.14 Kb sent to 1:124/3006
    171.76 Kb sent to 1:130/803
    158.66 Kb sent to 1:124/1113
    144.76 Kb sent to 1:393/11
    28.87 Kb sent to 1:123/500
    28.08 Kb sent to 1:124/7013

    It then spits out traffic by specific echos live/dead, which I won't paste in here cause it can take pages... But I use a thing called carve to turn them into 3 or 4 messages.

    Are you using Squish/386 (32 bit) or Squish (16 bit) ?


    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Dumb Guy's!!! (1:124/5025)
  • From Paul Lentz@1:124/5025 to Minh Van Le on Thursday, March 20, 2008 13:53:20
    Paul Lentz wrote in a message to Minh Van Le:

    There is a utility called SQREPORT.EXE that will work up some stats.
    It's included in the package and is kinda nice. Here's a small piece
    of what it spits out...

    It then spits out traffic by specific echos live/dead, which I won't
    paste in here cause it can take pages... But I use a thing called
    carve to turn them into 3 or 4 messages.

    OOOPS... I forgot that SQREPORT automagically splits up the ECHO AREA reports into message size files... No CARVE needed.

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Dumb Guy's!!! (1:124/5025)
  • From Fred Riccio@1:132/174 to Paul Lentz on Thursday, March 20, 2008 22:02:04
    Hello Paul!

    15 Mar 08 14:48, Paul Lentz wrote to ALL:

    I've been wondering for long time about the message size as well. I
    think around the beginning of each month Squish boots out messages (I think in the STATS echo) that are big and renames the .pkt files to *.LNG.

    I've looked around before and never found any way to deal with these
    long messages or the *.lng packet files. Is there a way to do this?

    I wrote a small utility program in VB4 to dig through the *.lng files and rebuild the packet, splitting the long messages into smaller ones (the size is configurable). Did you say you run Win98? I can run it through the 16 bit compiler if you want to try it out.


    --- Msged/NT 6.0.1
    * Origin: Somewhere in New Hampshire's White Mountains (1:132/174)
  • From Marty Blankenship@1:2320/303 to Fred Riccio on Friday, March 21, 2008 21:23:25
    |03Quoting message from |11Fred Riccio |03to |11Paul Lentz
    |03on |1120 Mar 08 22:02:04|03.

    I wrote a small utility program in VB4 to dig through the *.lng files and rebuild the packet, splitting the long messages into smaller ones (the size configurable). Did you say you run Win98? I can run it through the 16 bit compiler if you want to try it out.

    I wouldn't mind a copy of that utility. I run win98 myself here. You can
    send it to sysop@gamemasterbbs.darktech.org or marty@atcc.net if you want to do that. If not I will understand.

    ... I FELT something was wrong. Multitasking causes schizophrenia.

    --- Renegade v01-28.8/Alpha
    * Origin: gamemasterbbs.darktech.org The GameMaster BBS (1:2320/303)
  • From Jerry Schwartz@1:142/928 to Mike Tripp on Tuesday, April 01, 2008 20:48:01
    Hello, Mike...

    Mar 19, 2008 at 11:12, Mike Tripp wrote to Paul Lentz:

    Scott basically tried to support whatever the environment had to offer...which is why the 16-bit DOS, 32-bit DOS, OS/2, etc. versions
    as released all had different limits. Don't know about the Win32
    flavor, myself, as it was released solo, after the general release of
    the others...sort of a "So long and thanks for all the fish", before
    he left Fido.

    There's a specific Win32 version of Squish?


    Jerry Schwartz


    --- Msged/NT 6.0.1
    * Origin: Write by Night (1:142/928)
  • From Mike Tripp@1:382/61 to Jerry Schwartz on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:37:16
    Hello Jerry!

    01 Apr 08 20:48, Jerry Schwartz wrote to Mike Tripp:

    Scott basically tried to support whatever the environment had to
    offer...which is why the 16-bit DOS, 32-bit DOS, OS/2, etc.
    versions as released all had different limits. Don't know about
    the Win32 flavor, myself, as it was released solo, after the
    general release of the others...sort of a "So long and thanks for
    all the fish", before he left Fido.

    There's a specific Win32 version of Squish?

    Oops...forgot that "maybe" never materialized. Toldja that would be the flavor I didn't know about.<g>


    --- GoldED/2 2.50+
    * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61)