Hey Rober i see in your tagline were up to ver 10 on winserve. Wow big jump. I have ver 7 but never could get it to workright. So whats new
in ver 10?
Thanks Sam
--- Ezycom V3.00 01FB064B
* Origin: Deep Space Gateway BBS Running EZYCOM V3.0 (1:123/120)
It's still version 8. However, in the Alpha AUP releases it says
version 10 and I don't know if this is a typo on Hector's end or not.
And the tagline is generated by my customized editor and is option (ie
the user is asked if they want a tagline added or not, as per the
request of one of my users).
... This is not a @TOLAST@ Tagline. You are not what you own.
--- Wildcat! v10.0.454.10 (May 26 2020), Editor Mod v2.1
* Origin: Lean Angle BBS * Southaven MS * winserver.org (1:116/17)